Tuesday 15 September 2015

Found this and thought I should share. I agree, do you?

Found this online and thought I should share.  The words rings true and I totally agree.  Do you? 

Saturday 12 September 2015

Don't get married to cure your loneliness, you can be as lonely in marriage as you were as a single person. Expecting all round happiness from just one man might just be asking too much. You need to be happy with yourself first. #behappy

Friday 11 September 2015

Stop Sexualising Children

There is a disturbing trend nowadays that if not checked can cause grievous consequences.  It is not uncommon now to see children, especially toddlers adorned and decked head to toe by their mothers in disturbing ways.  I have seen mothers dress their girls in  suggestive and inappropriate outfits in the name of fashion.  As disturbing as that is, it is even more disturbing to see bloggers promote this kind of pictures with captions like '' isn't she cute?, isn't she a doll, '' etc.
       It is also alarming to see adults men and women who should know what is right and befitting to these children ''like'' and comment positively on these pictures.
HAVE WE ALL LOST OUR COLLECTIVE MINDS?  These are children for heavens' sake,  not China dolls.  They are not mannequins to be dressed, decked and displayed anyhow you like. Why dress a child like a sexually active adult?  Some mothers even go to the extent of putting on makeup on the children.
      It has been established that having a child doesn't make a mother, a mother is one who would do anything and everything to see that child grow up into a RESPONSIBLE adult.  It is safe to assume then that mothers that engage in this acts are themselves irresponsible and immature.  You can only give a child what you have. If you don't have it in you, you can't teach it to a child.
  For bloggers that promote this actions,  I am still waiting for the day the government would establish a commission that will place restrictions and put rules in place for what bloggers can or cannot post.  Do we even know that there are perverts online,  or is the word 'pedophiles' restricted only to developed countries?  We read the news everyday and hear reports of men abusing little children.  While your girl's dressing isn't enough reason for  these evil men to perpetrate their evil acts, let's keep our girls covered and protected; starting with the way we dress them.  They are children, let them grow as children,  don't make them adults yet.
For young mothers that engage in this actions, grow up. If you need a doll to play with, get a Barbie.
Stop sexualising children. There's absolutely nothing cute about it. #stop #sexualising #children

Thursday 10 September 2015

Pornography is a stronghold like all other addictions, you can't reason with it or beg it to let go, and it won't let go since it seeks to destroy. Let Jesus, He overcomes and so will you. #overcomingstronghold #porn

Tuesday 8 September 2015

You, Yes You, Dare to be different

In a country overridden by immorality and perverseness, somebody decides to stand for what is right; and she went to jail for it but was later released. Kim Davis was a clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
 She stood for her faith in God in the face of pressures. She said ''I've weighed the cost and I'm prepared to go to jail....This is about upholding  the word of God.''
Her faith and courage has strengthened true believers all around the world. Dare to be different.

Never stop dreaming

Words of encouragement for someone today.
Dreams are good.  Don't ever stop dreaming.  You may not have the means to actualize them yet,  but keep on dreaming. Put your dreams into goals and your goals into plans.  Who knows?  An opportunity may just be around the corner.
#dedicatedtoteenagers #keephopealive #loveyouguys 

Sunday 6 September 2015

Ladies...Know your self worth

 Found this and thought I'd  share. The message was ''fleek'' and I couldn't agree more.

''No one wants what everyone has seen. Many females seek validation from others, they thrive on it. They do not care whether their reputation is tarnished, they simply care about the likes and praises/ good comments made by others. ''Ass on fleek'', ''boobs on fleek'' and ''Vajayjay on fleek''??? ...D**n, this isn't confidence! This is low self esteem . We need to get our brains, values and Self respect on Fleek. No man wants a woman that everyone know what she's got.. So ladies, Know your self worth.''

Culled: Anonymous

Saturday 5 September 2015

What to do with a yelling Mom?

What to do when your mom yells at you constantly? Take a 360 degree turn and do the right things without being told. Trust me, it works like magic every single time. Keep the tip for future purposes too. #teennation #teenagerstip #dotherightthing #asktolu  

Does God exist?

Scientists can prove that there is no God, but remember when they said the earth was flat.  Don't gamble your soul on theories.  #LetGod

Friday 4 September 2015

I agree. Do you? #dealwithit #lowselfesteem #becomeabetteryou #asktolu

He is tall, dark and handsome. He blows my mind.

It's really that simple. Looks aren't everything. Spare yourself lots of heartaches, tears and sleepless nights by marrying a godly man. A godly man may have his own issues, I mean, who doesn't? But you will be rest assured he has someone he submits to and obey. #looksarenoteverything #marryamanGodcanreach #relationshipadvice

How do I deal with low self esteem?

Have you ever entered into a room and felt like you are the only odd one out, do you ever feel everyone else is staring at you..even when obviously no one is? Have you had troubles mixing with the right group of people? Have you ever been so self conscious about your looks, clothes, hair, shoes despite numerous compliments before you left home? Do you have trouble speaking in public? The list goes on and on, but if you fall into any of this categories, you might be suffering from low self esteem. 
While motivational books and seminars might give you a temporary boost of confidence, they don't offer a permanent solution. What's my solution? Meditate on this words long and hard: God has not given us a spirit of FEAR, he has given unto us, a spirit of LOVE, a spirit of POWER, and a SOUND MIND. And you have all, well maybe not all,  you need to overcome, but that is the starting point.
Remember these wise words too: The day you stop been bothered about what everyone else thinks about you is the day you start living. #lowselfesteem #developtherightesteem #asktolu

Why can't I find a good spouse?

Stop complaining of your inability to get a good spouse. They are everywhere, but you have to be good enough to find them. Remember, likes attract. #AskTolu #hardtalk #relationship advice